webshop of designer, creative consultant and entrepreneur with passion to sustainable environment, imagination, integrity and diversity

Hi! My name is Anna Skryabina. Welcome!
I call myself a creative consultant, designer, and entrepreneur.
My background is pretty diverse. I graduated as Information Scientist in Social Studies, worked in international NGO for several years. Lived in Italy, traveled around 20 countries. I also worked on TV twice as presenter and author. 7 years ago I started my small business as graphic designers. I do work with identity, branding, website design. Together with my friends, we do interior and object design projects. I support several NGOs with my work and find myself involved in different social projects (on the adaptable environment, orphan kids, migrants, and homeless people).
My passion is illustration and textile. I love making patterns and print and produce fabrics and sew some outfits. Here you can find some!
This year I worked in a startup on the AI-powered trading ecosystem, it was a great experience in communication, social media and community management. So feel free to contact me on such topics and AI, ML, and blockchain. I am really passionate about new technologies.

Add colors to your life
Supersrkyabina is a store of sweatshirts, raincoats and accessories for those who are brave. Unique print made by Anna, tailor-made clothing and accessories. Some of them are in 1 edition. Anna also creates stylish goodies such as handmade pillows, toys, blankets and much more.
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Contact Anna:
[email protected]
St.Petersburg, Russia
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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